

A list of projects I have been working on or built


Portfolio website made with React.js. It is a simple portfolio website made with React.js and deployed using githubpages.


CarPricing Telegram Bot

Telegram bot that answers queries about car prices. It first parses data from famous car website in Korea, and using OpenAI API answers to question from the collected data.

PythonOpenAI APIFlask


Simple webpage for my friend's education center. It is a simple webpage with a contact form and a gallery. It is made with HTML, CSS, and Javascript.


Lead Generation Automation

In order to eliminate manual task, created selenium to automate the process of lead generation. It is a simple python script that uses selenium to automate the process of lead generation.


No Distrubance App

filters out all nonsense call and enables calls only based on urgency. User can set the threshold for instance giving high points to mom or dad.


Mobile Pricing

Parsing all the data from multiple instagram accounts and then using that data to display the price of the mobile phone. It is a simple web app made with Flask and deployed using AWS.

PythonOpenAI API

Pintos Project

Pintos is a simple operating system framework for the 80 x 86 architecture. It supports kernel threads, loading and running user programs, and a file system, but it implements all of these in a very simple way.



Buffer overflow attack known as Attack Lab or Buffer Bomb in System Programming course.
